Recommended Reading List | School for Dyslexia, ADHD and Learning Disabilities in Florida

When a child is first diagnosed with dyslexia, ADHD or any other language-based learning disability, most parents immediately respond by seeking out educational resources to help them and their child better understand it. It is for this very reason that Education Pathways Academy, a school for dyslexia in Florida, has put together this list of “Recommended Reads.”

Recommended Reading for Adults and Parents, from a school for dyslexia in Florida

The books outlined below contain incredible details about how to help children with dyslexia and other language-based disabilities succeed.  They contain decades of research studies, as well as first-hand interactions and insights by experts in the field of dyslexia, learning differences and neurodiversity.  For parents and adults, Educational Pathways Academy recommends reading:

Overcoming Dyslexia

Authors:  Sally Shaywitz, M.D. and Jonathan Shaywitz, M.D.

Originally published in 2005, this book has held the #1 Best Seller spot in Communicative Disorders and Special Education for quite some time on Amazon.  Written by one of the world’s most preeminent experts on reading and dyslexia, this is the most comprehensive up-to-date and practical book for identifying, understanding, and overcoming reading problems.


The Dyslexic Advantage: Unlocking the Hidden Potential of the Dyslexia Brain (Revised and Updated)

Authors: Brock Eide, M.D., M.A. and Fernadette Eide, M.D. 

Hot off the press!  This book was originally written in 2009 by the dynamic research duo, Drs. Brock and Fernadette Eide, and was extensively updated and re-released with the latest research and case studies in February of 2023.  The Eide’s challenge the entire notion that dyslexia is a learning disability.  The idea they propose:  What if our children are successful because of their dyslexic traits, not inspite of them? Explore the world of dyslexic strengths and learn the best-of-the-best success stories of dyslexics who failed in school but ultimately rose to incredible heights in their adult years.


Helping your Child with Language-based Learning Disabilities

Author: Daniel Franklin, PhD

This book, ideally suited for parents of young elementary age children who have recently been diagnosed, explores a number of strategies to succeed in school and life with dyslexia, dysgraphia, dyscalculia, ADHD and processing disorders. This book is an excellent guide for parents, offering tools and practices to help children transcend language-based learning difficulties, do better in school, and gain self-confidence and self-esteem.


The Dyslexia Empowerment Plan

Author:  Ben Foss

This book acts as a total blueprint for renewing your child’s confidence and love of learning.  It includes:

  • Identifying and building your child’s strengths

  • Understanding your child’s rights and how to talk to schools about them

  • Best practices for accommodations and the latest technologies

Additional Online Resources for Parents and Adults, from our school for dyslexia in Florida

In addition to the book or e-reader recommendations outlined above, there are several additional online resources that contain videos, podcasts, published blog posts, research studies and other guidance about dyslexia, reading challenges and more.  Here the are:

Recommended Reading for Children and Students by a school for dyslexia in Florida

  1. Cartwheels:  Finding your special kind of smart

    Author:  Tracy Peterson

  2. Colt The Courageous: A Gifted Dyslexic

    Author:  Courtney M. Davidson

  3. Dyslexia is My Superpower (Most of the Time)

    Author:  Margaret Rooke

  4. Fish In A Tree

    Author:  Lynda Mullaly Hunt

  5. If You’re So Smart, How Come You Can’t Spell Mississippi? Author: Barbara Esham

  6. It’s Called Dyslexia

    Author:  Jennifer Moore-Mallinos

  7. Knees: The Mixed-Up World of a Boy with Dyslexia

    Author: Vanita Oelschlager

  8. Thank you, Mr. Falker

    Author: Patricia Polacco

  9. The Truth As Told by Mason Buttle

    Author:  Leslie Connor

  10. Xtraordinary People Made by Dyslexia

    Author: Kate Griggs

Searching for more advice, research and information about dyslexia, ADHD and other language-based learning disabilities?  Explore EPA’s About Dyslexia page now.