Succeeding with Learning Disabilities | Testimonial

A Message from Ella's Parents

When we stood alongside the 26 other students with learning disabilities who made up Educational Pathways Academy’s founding families, we had little idea of the path that would lay ahead. What we did know, was that we were exhausted and troubled by Ella’s social and academic struggles. We had been searching for answers and solutions --- and a sanctuary --- for two years, with no end in sight. When we first met Molly Arthur, she just had a calm, reassuring way about her, and we instantly felt like her new school, Educational Pathways Academy (EPA), a school for learning disabilities in Florida, could be the answer to our prayers. And it was.

Turns out that the path that laid ahead would have a beautiful and miraculous transformation for our daughter. Her tears, anxieties and social struggles have been replaced by joy, hope, confidence, academic success, and an abundance of friends. We will never forget the look on her face when Ella had her first report card with all As and a B! She was overflowing with amazement that she had finally mastered what she learned.

What is invaluable to Ella and to us is that she is loved and cared for as a unique individual with her own unique set of needs and challenges. The acceptance, nurturing and patience that EPA teachers and staff give is unmatched. It is because of them that we are now at peace having found a home and sanctuary at EPA.

- Ella's Parents -