Florida Private School Bridges Understanding Through Dyslexia Simulations

Educational Pathways Academy, a private school for dyslexia in Florida, held a week of training to empower its faculty and staff for the upcoming 2023-2024 academic year. This dynamic and impactful experience was filled with a multitude of enriching activities and growth-oriented opportunities. Team members connected deeply with EPA's mission, engaged in team-building exercises, explored diverse classroom management strategies, and participated in an enlightening Thinking Maps workshop. The week’s highlight was undoubtedly the participation in five immersive dyslexia simulations: two reading, two writing, and one processing simulation created by the Dyslexia Training Institute.

The Dyslexia Simulations

The Dyslexia Simulation Training provided an opportunity for the EPA team to step into the shoes of students with dyslexia, gaining insight into the daily challenges they face. The simulations ingeniously recreated scenarios that mirror the difficulties often encountered by those with dyslexia, from reading text and processing information to organizing thoughts and expressing ideas. This experiential learning approach shed light on the frustration, anxiety, and perseverance that often affect a dyslexic student’s academic experience.

As participants navigated the simulations, a wave of empathy and compassion swept through the room. The experience ignited conversations and reflections, deepening the understanding of the unique challenges and triumphs dyslexic students encounter. After experiencing these simulations, EPA’s teachers hold an even greater sense of pride for their dyslexic students, marveling at their extraordinary strengths and unyielding determination in the face of obstacles.

As the 2023-2024 academic year approaches, EPA’s incredible team of educators has a renewed commitment to the mission of Educational Pathways Academy: to provide innovative programs to strengthen the academic, social, and emotional learning of students with language-based learning disabilities, such as dyslexia. They are committed to providing unwavering support and individualized instruction that effectively and comprehensively addresses the needs of students with learning differences. They are dedicated to cultivating a learning environment that provides pathways of success for each and every one of our students.

We are excited to welcome our students back to school and are ready to create unforgettable learning experiences that foster growth and maximize success!

Jill Schmieg