The Orton-Gillingham Approach

At Educational Pathways Academy, a private school for dyslexia in Florida, we provide a comprehensive education that meets the needs of students with language-based learning disabilities. We are proud to offer Orton-Gillingham instruction, a research-based approach that can make a significant difference in your child's reading and spelling skills. In this blog, we aim to provide you with valuable information about our Orton-Gillingham program and how it can benefit your child's educational journey.

What is Orton-Gillingham?

Orton-Gillingham (OG) is a multisensory, structured literacy approach to teaching reading and spelling. It was developed in the early 20th century by Samuel T. Orton, a neurologist, and Anna Gillingham, an educator and psychologist.

The Orton-Gillingham instructional approach is designed to address the specific needs of students with dyslexia who are struggling to read. This approach is based on the understanding that these students with language-based learning differences often have difficulty with the connections between letters and sounds, as well as the rules and patterns of the language. Therefore, the Orton-Gillingham approach provides explicit, structured, and individualized instruction in phonological awareness, phonics, and language rules. Our comprehensively-trained teachers use this approach to provide targeted support to our students and help them to develop strong reading foundations.

How Does Orton-Gillingham Instruction Work?

These are the key components of Orton-Gillingham instruction:

a) Individualized Assessment & Instruction: Prior to starting Orton-Gillingham instruction, our teachers conduct thorough assessments to identify your child's specific needs and areas of difficulty. This allows us to tailor instruction to their unique learning profile, ensuring effective and personalized support. This individualized instruction will address your child’s strengths and weaknesses, provide ongoing assessment and feedback, and allow your child to learn at their own pace.

b) Multisensory Techniques: Orton-Gillingham utilizes a multisensory approach, engaging your child's visual, auditory, and kinesthetic/tactile senses. By incorporating various sensory modalities, such as letter tiles and auditory exercises, we create a rich and interactive learning experience that enhances memory and understanding.

c) Phonological Awareness and Phonics: Our program focuses on developing your child's phonological awareness skills, including the ability to identify and manipulate sounds in language. We also provide explicit phonics instruction, helping your child understand the relationships between letters and sounds and how to apply this knowledge to reading and spelling.

d) Structured and Sequential Instruction: Orton-Gillingham follows a carefully planned, structured, and sequential curriculum. It breaks down the learning process into manageable steps, starting with basic phonological awareness and progressing to more complex reading and spelling tasks. Each concept builds upon previously learned skills, ensuring that your child masters foundational skills before moving on to more challenging tasks. This structured approach provides a solid foundation for their reading development.

Benefits of Orton-Gillingham Instruction

Individualized Support

Our Orton-Gillingham instruction is customized to meet your child’s specific needs and abilities. Through continual interaction, our exceptional teachers assess your child’s progress to ensure that they receive the targeted support necessary for their reading growth. This personalized approach allows them to progress at their own pace, building a strong foundation for reading success.

Increased Confidence

By providing a structured and systematic approach to reading instruction, Orton-Gillingham helps boost your child's confidence and self-esteem. As they experience success in their reading journey, they become more motivated and engaged learners. This newfound confidence carries over to other areas of their academic and personal life, setting them up for future success.

Lifelong Strategies

Orton-Gillingham equips your child with valuable strategies and tools for reading and spelling that they can use throughout their lives. They learn how to decode words, understand the relationships between letters and sounds, and recognize patterns in language. These skills go beyond simply reading words on a page; they enable your child to become independent readers who can comprehend and analyze different texts. The lifelong strategies they acquire through Orton-Gillingham empower them to navigate the world of reading and spelling with confidence and proficiency.

How You CAN Support Your Child's Progress

To support your child's progress in their reading journey, there are several actions you can take as a parent:

First, it is crucial to maintain open lines of communication with our Orton-Gillingham teachers. They are a valuable resource and can provide insights into your child's progress, discuss strategies, and offer guidance for supporting their reading development at home. By partnering with our teachers, you can stay informed about your child's strengths and areas that may require additional attention, ensuring a collaborative effort to maximize their learning.

Reinforcing learning at home is another impactful way to support your child. Encourage them to read aloud regularly, which helps build fluency and confidence. Engaging in word games and activities that promote phonics skills can be both educational and enjoyable. Creating a supportive and stimulating environment that fosters a love for reading, such as having a well-stocked bookshelf and reading together as a family, further reinforces their engagement with reading.

Equally important is recognizing and celebrating your child's progress, no matter how small. Positive reinforcement and encouragement are vital in nurturing their reading journey. Praise their efforts, acknowledge milestones, and show appreciation for their hard work. By celebrating achievements, you are instilling a sense of pride and motivation in your child, encouraging them to continue growing and developing their reading skills.

Together, we can empower children to overcome challenges, develop strong reading foundations, and unlock their full potential. With the powerful combination of Orton-Gillingham instruction and your unwavering support, students will thrive and achieve lasting reading success.