The ACES Program: Empowering Students to Make a Difference

In the 2023-2024 school year, Educational Pathways Academy, a private school for dyslexia in Florida, proudly launched our Art Career Education Studies (ACES) Program for high school students with learning differences. This marked a significant step in our mission to empower students with learning disabilities by building on their unique strengths.

The ACES Program focuses on harnessing the exceptional talents of these students through specialized electives in the arts. By emphasizing creativity and practical skill development, ACES aims to guide students in exploring their passions and cultivating entrepreneurship, business acumen, and skills applicable to various career paths. Our ACES program not only nurtures artistic talents but also equips students with the skills and confidence to thrive as individuals and community members.

A recent example of this impact is a heartwarming community service project where three of our talented high school photography students showcased their skills. In collaboration with Seaside Therapy, these students provided a free Mini Family Photo Shoot in the vintage setting of EPA North Campus' newly designed Warehouse Studio. This event was deeply meaningful for these families, as their children have disabilities, which often makes it challenging to capture quality family photos.

One family expressed that it was their first-ever family photo, a testament to the profound impact of this generous act. As Leo Buscaglia aptly noted, “Your talent is God’s gift to you. What you do with it is your gift back to God.” Our students embraced this philosophy, using their creative talents to give back to the community and make a significant difference in the lives of others.

We extend our heartfelt thanks to Mrs. Shelby Wandrey for her leadership in organizing this event and to the students who dedicated their time and skills to serve others with such compassion and talent. We also thank Seaside Therapy for partnering with us and connecting us with these wonderful families.

Molly Arthur